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Career in Start & Go
Career in Start & Go
Give momentum to your personal growth path
The career structure at Start & Go is built upon five levels, (in addition to the temporary level of stageur). The progression is based on merit and measured by the impact of one's work on the value brought to the company, also in relation to the ancillary activities of the office, it provides for time steps defined in logic 'up or out' and 'fast track' courses for Top Performers.
Tech Lead ( 3/4 years )
Senior Software Engineer ( 3/4 years )
Software Engineer ( 3/4 years )
Junior Software Engineer ( 3/4 years )
Stageur ( 3/6 months )
Looking For
We evaluate applications from different academic backgrounds.

Undergraduates or recent graduates

Graduation grade equal to or higher than 105/110 Exams average score over 28/30

Master's Degree students

For the curricular internship Exams average score over 28/30


Maximum 5-6 years of experience in Top Consulting Firm

The technical background is not strictly necessary to start a career in Start & Go Innovative Solutions: we are looking for brilliant people, who have a genuine desire to learn and get involved, who approach and solve problems by overcoming the most obvious solutions (problem solving and “thinking outside the box”). To build a solid and creative team, we are looking for talented people who know how to “play as a team”, who pursue a dynamic and stimulating career and who are an active part in the development of new ideas.
Preferential requirements:
  • Academic background in Computer Engineering, Automation or Mathematics / Physics
  • Excellent command of English (at least level B2)
  • Experience of internship or university exchange abroad
  • Autonomy in working on at least one programming language
Pursuing a career as a high-profile technical consultant in the financial services sector is not for everyone: it requires high intelligence, a brilliant mind and great energy, motivation, and ambition.
We offer a broader and more stimulating work experience, also compared to the paths that the best corporate companies can offer, in which generally the work is traced back to a specific functional area.
The process of entering in Start & Go provides, in case of passing the selection process:
  • For postgraduate candidates, an internship period lasting 3-6 months at the end of which, if the performance is positively evaluated and the profile respects the S&G standard of excellence, it will be offered a position as a Business Analyst. We also evaluate, for candidates who are particularly deserving during the selections, the direct hiring in the company.
  • For candidates students of the two-year master's degree, our company offers the possibility to carry out a curricular internship lasting 3 months, during which the opportunity will be given to live the consultant's professional experience working for the client.
  • For candidates with experience gained in other Top Consulting Firms, the inclusion in the company in the role Junior Software Engineer or Software Engineer depending on profile, merit, and tenure.
Selection Process
Our selection process has the objectives of:

To deepen

The academic and professional aspects.

To evaluate

The technical skills of the candidate and his soft skills.

To Verify

The motivation to undertake a path in consulting, and in particular in Start & Go.

The process is divided into four sequential steps, the result of which will determine the passing of the selection:
  • First step: telephone or live interview through which the CV and technical skills of the candidate will be evaluated
  • Second step: written test on the technology for which the candidate applied
  • Third step: telephone or live interview through which they will be evaluated motivation and soft skills of the candidate, evaluating how much it is in line with the values ​​of Start & Go Innovative Solutions
  • Fourth step: upon passing the previous steps, targeted interview with the Chief Executive Officer to evaluate the concrete motivations to undertake the career path at Start & Go
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